Archive For Pokemon Red/Blue Tag

The Pokémon Games, Ranked

The Pokémon Games, Ranked

25 years of Pokemon, and some very, very good games.

15 Gaming Bugs That Erased Your Saves

15 Gaming Bugs That Erased Your Saves

All it took was one bad bit of code to wipe your progress.

14 Best Boss Units In Video Games

14 Best Boss Units In Video Games

Bosses come in all shapes and sizes but some have their fair share of backup.

15 Times Gamers Unnecessarily Read Between The Lines

15 Times Gamers Unnecessarily Read Between The Lines

Reading between the lines between the lines.

15 Most Scary Video Game Moments From Your Childhood

15 Most Scary Video Game Moments From Your Childhood

They don't seem all that bad today but these moments seriously scared us back in the day.

14 Scary Songs In Video Games That Spooked Gamers

14 Scary Songs In Video Games That Spooked Gamers

There may be no monsters in the closet but as kids, these creepy tunes kept us up at night.