“We’ll probably cancel” third person Call of Duty- Sledgehammer

Sledgehammer Games, currently co-developing Modern Warfare 3 along with Infinity Ward, were originally working on a third person shooter Call of Duty game. However, the studio’s boss Glen Schofield says that they may cancel the game after Modern Warfare 3’s release.

“We’ll probably cancel it,” Schofield told CVG.

“They gave us the choice of: do you want to work on Modern Warfare 3, or do you want to continue working on this? And we really liked that.

“We liked what we were doing. It third person, probably set at a time that might have niched it too much. I bet that if we had kept going, within a month or two I probably would have switched the time period, but kept the gameplay. It had some really cool stuff.

“This game has allowed both Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games to hire, and we hired really strong teams, both of us. We needed to come together on this one, but since then we’ve both grown, we’re both over 100 people now.

“Initially we weren’t fully functional because we had to learn a new engine. Now we have, I think the best thing that could happen for Activision would be for us to both go off and make our own game. Whether that’s a Call of Duty game or not is up in the air. I plan to continue working on Call of Duty.”

Modern Warfare 3 releases on November 8 for Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii and DS.

activisioncall of duty: modern warfare 3sledgehammer games