Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Shown Running on PS3

New Square MMO optimized for Playstation 3.

The long maligned and constantly being fixed MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, has finally been reincarnated as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and it is due on the Playstation 3 later this year. The game, which is an MMO that will allow for cross platform play with the PC version, has seen several changes to its interface and UI, as you can see in the video above, to compensate for the console’s usage of a controller as its default control scheme, as opposed to the much more flexible keyboard and mouse on PC.

This includes the optimization of abilities, and mapping them to buttons on the controller, as well as redoing certain features of the game for the console version, such as the character creator.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn hits PS3 and PC in August this year, with a beta in July. It will also be releasing on the Playstation 4 next year.

Final Fantasy XIVps3. square enix