3DS Tops Japan Charts

The 3DS, which has been topping the Japanese hardware charts for two weeks, has topped the charts again, with the PSP also maintaining its second place. It’s a surprise, really, to see the 3DS still selling well after the massive price cut that was recently announced.

The charts are given below:

Weekly hardware sales (previous week)
3DS: 31,826 (46,637)
PSP: 26,854 (26,551)
PS3: 23,343 (23,322)
Wii: 17,114 (14,237)
DSi LL: 5,258 (4,693)
DSi: 4,921 (4,384)
Xbox 360: 1,546 (1,734)
PS2: 1,475 (1,405)
DS Lite: 155 (131)
PSP go: 14 (14)

Weekly software sales
01. Everyone’s Rhythm Heaven (Nintendo)
02. Sengoku Basara Chronicle Heroes (Capcom)
03. No More Heroes Red Zone Edition (MMV)
04. Inazuma Eleven Strikers (Level 5)
05. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (Konami)
06. Taiko Drum Master Portable DX (Namco Bandai)
07. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2011 (Konami)
08. Noora And The Time Studio (Atlus)
09. Alice Madness Returns (EA)
10. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)


3DSchartsHardware salesjapan chartsNintendoSalessoftware sales