8 most Under sold and Under rated games on the PS3

The PlayStation 3 has had some of the best games this generation. From Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance Fall of Man to Little Big Planet, Playstation 3 has something for everyone. Here we list some of the games that were awesome but missed out due to the negative media which was so rampant in 2006 and 2007. Please do note that We agree that this might not be the complete list and some of you might not agree with it. So here are the 8 most under rated & under sold PS3 games in any order.

1. Motorstorm

Motorstorm was first shown at E3 2005 and the game became famous and got all the hype due to that infamous trailer. The game was released in 2007 and did not got the best of ratings by many websites. Motorstorm was one of the first racing games that featured real time track deformation and not many know  that the game holds the Guinness World Record for the largest variety of vehicle types in a racing game. Eight tracks were present right in the disc and a further four were launched as DLC on the PSN. To us, Motorstorm was one of the best racing games that set a visual bar that not too many racing games have reached so far.

2. Folklore

Folklore was one the most underrated RPGs in my opinion. The game was released in 2007 exclusively on the PS3. The game featured a girl named Ellen and a writer named Keats. The game had a very unique setting in which the player can solve mysteries by accessing the memories of the dead. There were a ton of realms that were available for exploration by the player. There were hundreds of characters, monsters and beasts in the game and several mind boggling boss fights. I wonder why such a great game missed out.

3. Heavenly Sword

Heavenly Sword was one of the earlier PS3 games shown at E3 2005. The game features a woman named Nariko wielding a very powerful sword. The game had one of the best motion capture to date and featured a very engrossing plot and some truly epic battles. I still remember the last scene where Nariko had to fight tens and thousands of characters at a time. That was truly epic. Heavenly Sword was one of the first games that actually showed how much muscle the PS3 has.

4. Devil May Cry 4

Even Though this was not an exclusive, Dante’s next outing did not got the recognition it deserved. Featuring Nero and Dante as playable characters, the game boasted great visuals and the awesome hack n slash game play that the series is famous for. The game was criticized for being repetitive but when I played the game back in 2008, the game never got old on me. It just kept getting better and better.

5. SOCOM: Confrontation

Agreed that Socom: Confrontation was a broken game at launch, but Slant Six Games later evolved the game by pushing patches since the release. Yes I do believe that those bugs should not be present at the first place but I guess those patches really helped the game by making it better. There are still some minor technical bugs still present in the game, but believe me Confrontation is a great game and should not be missed.

6. Ninja Gaiden Sigma

The only problem with Sigma was that the game was already released on the original Xbox way back. Having said that Ryu Hayabusa’s adventure on the PlayStation 3 was very satisfying. The game was very well received by the critics but it sales figures were disappointing. The game featured Rachel as a playable character, had awesome boss battles and a very deep single player campaign.

7. Wipeout HD

We are still waiting for a full blown PS3 Wipeout game for sometime now, but Wipeout HD has to be one of most underrated games on the PS3. The game features futuristic vehicles and that too at 60 FPS and at 1080P. There were 5 game modes in the game: Single Race, Tournament & Speed Lap to name a few.

8. Valkyria Chronicles

Valkyria Chronicles has to be one of the best RPG’s of 2008 and it was given a very good score by majority of websites. With a great cast of characters and awesome game play backed up by some very nice artwork the game was a stellar achievement. Too bad the sales not even reached a 100,000.

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