Ace Combat 4 and 5 Remakes Would Be Tricky, Ace Combat 7 Producer Says

'But if the chance presents itself, then I would like to explore it.'

Ace Combat is finally returning with the upcoming Ace Combat 7, which looks to be a return to the series’ roots (while also being forward looking with its PlayStation VR compatible component). But this renewal of the series, as well as the fact that companies in general are pretty remake and remaster happy these days, has led to a lot of hopeful fans apparently hoping for Ace Combat 4 and 5 remakes for the PS4- something that would be ‘very tricky,’ according to the producer of Ace Combat 7.

“In terms of remakes, I’m very thankful that there are a lot of fans and voices saying “hey, we want to experience the story again”,”Ace Combat 7 Producer Kazutoki Kono told DualShockers. “Should the chance present itself, I would certainly like to examine it, but there are a lot of tricky issues that we took on with the past wars, thematically, so it would be a very tricky thing to navigate.”

That said, he did admit that if it were possible, he would like to look into it. “But if the chance presents itself, then I would like to explore it, absolutely,” he added. Ace Combat 7 is due on PS4 some time in 2017.

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