Age of Empires 2 HD FAQ: Everything you want to know about the game

New information.

age of empires 2 hdage of empires 2 hd

Age of Empires 2 HD is set to release this year on Steam and will be priced at $19.99. The game has been remastered to HD and a lot of new features have been added to the game.

The original reveal didn’t explain this in detail but now we have an idea of what you can get when you buy the game.

If you have an original CD key for the game you can’t use it with the Steam version, you have to directly purchase it. There’s no cross platform multiplayer service with the original version and the Steam version.

The single player can be played in offline mode but you will still need internet access for multiplayer and need to connect to Steam. The game also supports cloud saves.

There are no plans for a Mac OS or Linux versions and the game will be available on any region that Steam is supported.

Here are the matchmaking details:

  • Up to 8 Players
  • Quick-match Matchmaking
  • Game Lobby Browser
  • Invite your Steam friends to custom games

You can read more on the official blog here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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