Always-on DRM a possibility for Fortnite

According to an interview with RockPaperShotgun, Epic Games’ upcoming Fortnite may require always-on DRM, and we all know how well that worked out for Diablo III.

Tanya Jessen, producer, told RPS that a constant Internet connection is a very real a possibility, “It’s gonna be really dependent on gameplay, and it’s also dependent on platform – the method of getting updates and stuff like that. So I can’t say for sure today one way or another [if we’ll use always-on DRM].

“That’s something we don’t know yet.”

Fortnite is set to be the first Unreal Engine 4 title, a brightly-coloured, cartoon sand-box that seems to be focuses around shooting demons and scavenging scrap. Think Scrapheap Challenge meets your worst nightmare and you’re pretty much there.

Source: RockPaperShotgun

Epic Gamesfortniteunreal engine 4