Apple Reportedly Is Working On A Headset Combining AR And VR

The multimedia giant looks to combine two similar concepts.

While Virtual Reality may not have taken off like many hoped and expected, it’s slowly itching its way to carving its own niche thanks to extended efforts from companies like Sony and Oculus. Augmented Reality hasn’t been quite as hyped up, but we’re still seeing it carve out its own little niche as well with the likes of Minecraft Earth and Pokemon GO. Now it seems that Apple wants to combine the two with a new project.

According to Bloomberg, the new headset will combine elements of VR and AR. While gaming won’t be the only focus for the device, since it will also have capabilities for watching videos and having virtual meetings, that would be one of the biggest uses for it. Apparently, the company had hoped to have the technology ready by this year, but it has been pushed back internally.

While it’s definitely interesting to think what such a device would be like, it seems it could be a decent while before we see it. Right now Apple isn’t planning to launch it until 2021 or 2022, meaning it could be two years before we could potentially see whatever this is.

Appleaugmented realityVirtual Reality