ARMA 3 Free to Play on Steam This Weekend

Bet that headline gave you a bit of a start, didn't it?

The best thing about Steam is how many chances you get to get your game noticed (and maybe eventually purchased) by potential gamers and customers. I mean, Steam highlights new releases on its front page, the community features means that it’s easy for great games to go viral, Steam sales are an easy way to break into many users’ libraries. And then there are the free to play weekends, where Steam effectively lets you make your game free to play for all players for a limited period- after which, if they like your game, they’ll have to buy it to continue playing it.

Not that a game like ARMA 3, which is one of the more popular PC games these days, with its uber realistic take on war shooters, needs extra publicity, but hey, it never hurts, does it? So, if you’ve always heard of the ARMA games, but for some reason have never jumped in- maybe you weren’t sure if the games were for you, and didn’t want to buy something you weren’t sure you’d like. Or hey, maybe you just didn’t know if your PC would even run it- then good news, you get to play it for free to decide for yourself what the deal is.

And if you do want to buy ARMA 3, it is available for for 50% off until 10AM Pacific on Monday October 27, bringing the price down to £18 ($30).

So yep. Good time to be an ARMA player right now.

arma 3Bohemia InteractiveSteam