Awesomenauts Assemble Coming to PS4 on March 4

The original console MOBA returns.

Awesomenauts will be coming to the PlayStation 4 exclusively over the PlayStation Network on March 4 in North America, and March 5 in Europe.

The PS4 version will be called Awesomenauts Assemble! Yes, with the exclamation point and everything.

For those not in the know, Awesomenauts Assemble is the next gen version of the popular 2D MOBA Awesomenauts by Ronimo Games. With more than a million copies sold and a strong community, Awesomenauts Assemble! will offer an accessible MOBA-experience for new players and veterans from the previous console-generation alike, and deliver a genre that is otherwise sorely missing on the current batch of home consoles.

Awesomenauts Assemble will also include  7 all-new characters to the console, a boatload of skins to customize your characters, a new map, improved controls, and a lot more upcoming content, so if you are a fan of the game already, you have some incentive to pick this version up.

Awesomenauts Assemble! will be available for $10/€10.

Awesomenauts: Assembleps4