Batman: Arkham City will have New Game + option

Rocksteady’s Dax Ginn told GameTrailers at PAX that once you finish Arkham City, you will unlock a “New Game +” mode, in which you can play the entire game with your old gadgets and upgrades and whatnots.

“When you finish the main story mode, you can then restart that with all of the gadgets and all of the upgrades you got in that first playthrough,” he said.

“But you’re going to need them in the second playthrough because all of the enemy configurations have changed. All of the assistance you get in combat with those blue lightning bolts coming up against guys who are about to hit you, they’re gone. So you have to read their animations coming in.

“That’s why we really wanted to drive home the replayability with Batman: Arkham City – taking those gadgets back into the streets, delivering justice a second time around. Really asking, ‘Are you the Dark Knight? Have you got what it takes?’”

Arkham City releases this October on the PS3, PC and Xbox 360. A WiiU release is also planned.

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