DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troddeson, in a pre-GDC interview with games.on.net, revealed that the campaign of their upcoming first person shooter, Battlefield 3, will be around 12 hours long.
“Naturally we want to introduce more people to our franchise” said Troddeson.
“A lot of people don’t want to jump straight into multiplayer. They want to feel around a bit and they’re ready to move over to online. The hardcore online people, they don’t care, they’re just straight in.
“Maybe they don’t even touch the campaign. But we want to get more people in, invite more people into the franchise. That’s one of the main reasons why we have this different part of the game.”
In the same interview, Treddeson said that the team is having a few problems with the development of BF3.
Battlefield 3 will be releasing on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC in October this year.