Battlefield 3 has problems- DICE General Manager

Battlefield 3 developers, DICE’s General Manager, Karl Magnus Troedsson admitted in a video interview with that their upcoming first person shooter is having a few problems, related to the issue of bringing back the “prone” mechanic and others.

“It was hard to ignore the outcry from the community… the return of jets and the return of prone is definitely we have listened to the community.

“Basically, it comes down to the fact that we wanted to bring it back, but we’d also known that there’s a lot of hassle that comes with something like that, both visually, and quality-wise, but also balancing.

“This is the kind of problems that we need to fix naturally and look into, but that’s the thing. Introducing prone brings these kinds of problems, and that was the reason we didn’t have prone in Bad Company. It was like if you lay down, he’s in the grass or not in the grass or wherever he might be.

When asked if they have found a solution to this problem yet, Karl answered, “Not yet, but I’m definitely not the right man to answer the rendering questions.”

Battlefield 3 will be out this fall for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

DICE still has plenty of time to fix these issues since they game is still in its pre-alpha stages of development.

Stay tuned, we will have more info for you soon enough.

Battlefield 3DICE