Bayonetta 2: Without Nintendo the game wouldn’t exist – Platinum Games

Reason for exclusivity.

Bayonetta 2 was rumoured to be cancelled by Sega after facing some difficulties, but the reason the game was announced for the Wii U, and that too an exclusive, is because Nintendo fully supported it.

Platinum Games are behind the development and the game is slated for release next year, however, before you whine about how it’s not on PS3 and Xbox 360, please do remember that without Nintendo it shouldn’t exist.

“Would Bayonetta 2 not exist without Nintendo? The answer is yes. We are not viewing this as a change of platform, we were looking for a partner to create Bayonetta 2 and Nintendo was a strong, cooperative partner that was willing to create and grow Bayonetta 2 together,” he said to Polygon.

“As a result the platform became the Wii U. We create the basic framework of our games on the PC, so even though the hardware changes it doesn’t influence the creation of our games,” he said. “We’ve already developed our own engine to work with multiple platforms.

“Because of the Wii U GamePad, we are putting extra thought into how to use these differentiating features. There’s a difference in the game design side, but we are enjoying the challenges of creating games for new hardware.”

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Bayonetta 2Platinum Gameswii u