Best Buy, Target See Massive Gains On The Back Of The Immensely Successful Nintendo Switch

That is seriously impressive.

Retailers rarely ever see one product being so successful that it can lead to a perceptible net gain for them overall- Nintendo used to have that kind of clout back in the NES days, and Apple obviously had it back when the iPod/iPhone/iPad first debuted. But that kind of thing isn’t all that common nowadays.

Which is what makes Nintendo’s achievement here that much more notable. Apparently, Best Buy, the largest retailer of electronics in North America, has posted a net gain in sales thanks to the immensely successful launch of the Nintendo Switch- which, in turn, has led to its stock surging. Best Buy is not the only American retailer to have experienced positive effects from the Switch launch, either. Apparently, leading US retailer Target too has seen similar gains off the back of the Switch.

Clearly, Nintendo has a hit on its hands here- now if only it can resolve its stock issues, and keep a steady stream of games coming. Both of which seem a bit unlikely for now.


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