Blizzard Provides Update on the Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void Multiplayer Development

New Protoss unit may be added.

The final chapter in the Starcraft 2 saga is Legacy of the Void, and Blizzard just provided us with a hefty update on how that game’s development is coming. Specifically, they talked about the game’s multiplayer mode, speaking about the changes and development choices that they have made.

The most important of these is the addition of a brand new Protoss unit to the game, currently being debated to be a harassment unit that would be of incredible use in the early game; other notable things include a hard resource cap at about 70% of the amount in Heart of the Swarm, and a change in the worker count.

A lot of these changes, cumulatively, could have a great impact on how Starcraft II is played, and on player strategies, so personally, I am very excited to see what Blizzard brings to the table with Legacy of the Void.

Stay tuned, because we’ll keep you posted.

Blizzardpc gamingStarCraft IIstarcraft ii: legacy of the void