Borderlands 2 introduces Vault Veteran Rewards

Being one of the few titles of note to be released before October, it looks like Borderlands 2 might have a fairly clean run in to its 21 September release date.

Now Gearbox announced on their blog the ritalin-fueled sequel to one of the breakout surprises and winner of many Game of the Year accolades back in 2009, will grant players of the first some small, but significant exclusive bonuses.

If you’ve got a Borderlands save file lurking in the depths of your hard-drive, Borderlands 2 will detect this loyalty and slather some exclusive character skins and heads.

Not only that, but come this friday, we’ve got an interview with Gearbox Software’s Vice President and Chief Creative Officer Brian Martel, in which we talk about new enemies, new characters, new weapons and, well, Borderlands 2.

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