Borderlands’ Multiplayer Mode on PC Is Returning Via Steam

Another Gamespy affected game lives again.

When Gamespy shut down its servers a few months ago, a whole lot of games were affected- remember, Gamespy servers were powering the online multiplayer modes of several popular PC games, such as a whole lot of EA games, Bohemia Interactive games, and the entirety of the DS and Wii’s online games. As a matter of fact, most major online games on PC used Gamespy until a few years ago. So Gamespy shutting its servers down meant that these games, a whole lot of which still had thriving online communities, suddenly had the rug pulled out from under them.

One of these games was Borderlands- and if you know anything about Borderlands, you sort of know that the lack of an online mode kind of completely neuters the game. Thankfully, that may be changing, as publisher 2K Games has announced that full multiplayer will be returning to Borderlands via SteamWorks.

So that’s good news. It makes me happy to see that publishers are making an effort to preserve the full customer experience even for online games that have lived past their server hosts. Kind of gives me more confidence in that all digital future we all seem to be headed towards.

2k gamesBorderlandsGamespySteamsteamwork