Broken Sword 5 Now Available For PS Vita

Episode 1 is now playable on the Vita.

Indie development team Revolution Software has announced via a blog post on the PS Blog that its newest point and click adventure title, Broken Sword 5, is out now and available for all to download on the PS Vita.

Broken Sword 5- The Serpent’s Curse: Episode One, as the first episode of the adventure title is called, is out now after what Revolution Studios says was a “very successful” Kickstarter campaign that helped them through the title’s development.

“Episode One returns the series to its point and click roots in our most ambitious game to date,” Revolution’s Co-Founder, Charles Cecil wrote. “Playing as intrepid American George Stobbart and sassy French journalist Nico Collard, you’ll find yourself on the trail of a stolen painting — and a murderous conspiracy.”

He also said that the PS Vita, with its numerous input methods, is a perfect system for them to release the game on. “Vita is an ideal device for our style of adventure game,” he said. “The front and rear touch screen in combination with the analog stick and shoulder buttons give us a great toolset for an intuitive user interface.”

You can check our review of the PC version here. Stay tuned for continued coverage.

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse - Episode 1PS Vitarevolution software