Call of Duty Series Has Sold 175 Million Copies

Activision reveals 100 billion multiplayer matches have been played thus far.

Say what you will about Call of Duty and how the franchise rarely changes each year (not to mention the horrible lag and matchmaking issues that still continue to plague Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare) but the series is still one of gaming’s most successful. Activision recently released an infographic looking at the series’ past decade and it’s fairly impressive.

Thus far, 100 billion multiplayer matches have been played with 175 million copies sold across all platforms. It also seems that 300 billion grenades have been thrown in games which is roughly 44 times the number of cellphones in the world and 579 billion in-game awards have been earned.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be receiving some new content with the Ascendance DLC releasing first for Xbox One and Xbox 360 on March 31st. It will add four new multiplayer maps, a new campaign mission to Exo Zombies and the OHM-Werewolf, an LMG/Shotgun hybrid. There will also be a new gameplay mode for grappling hooks.

activisionCall of Duty: Advanced Warfaresledgehammer games