Characters Revealed For Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

This post may have spoilers. You have been warned.

Konami has revealed the characters that will be in Mercury Steam’s upcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, the sequel to the original Lords of Shadow and last year’s Mirror of Fate, and the conclusion to the Lords of Shadow saga.

The new trailer that you see above obviously features spoilers, and it talks about the characters that will feature in the game, including Dracula, who was once Gabriel, Zobek, one of the Lords of Shadow who caused Gabriel’s transformation into Dracula, Carmilla, Marie (Gabriel’s wife), and the true prince of darkness, Satan himself.

In addition to the characters, the new trailer also shows us some new locations and footage, previously unseen.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be hitting the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC later this year. The original game is available on the same platforms, while Mirror of Fate can be found on these platforms, plus the 3DS. The game will finally end the Gabriel arc, and show us how Dracula meets his end in modern times, even as his power continues to weaken.

castlevania lords of shadow 2konamiMercury Steam