Check Out This New Trailer For Story of Seasons

It looks charming.

XSEED will be bringing North American players Marvelous’ Story of Seasons, which is supposed to be a new chapter in the ‘Bokujo Monogatari’ series, a long-standing and top-selling farming/life simulation franchise. And while they have (wisely and obviously) changed the name in bringing it over to western coasts, they are promising that everything that made those games so appealing to begin with- customizable farms, animal care, and relationship building in the hopes of getting married and starting a family- has made it over intact.

Basically, yes, think of these games as something like Harvest Moon, and you get the idea.

Story of Seasons will be releasing exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS, via the Nintendo eShop, and at retail. For a while, XSEED plans on offering a bonus for purchasing the retail version, a plushie of the game’s mascot, Angora rabbit.

For more on the game, stay tuned to GamingBolt.

marvelousNintendo 3DSstory of seasonsxseed