Something rather odd came up in a recent interview with the Bulletstorm boss Adrian Chmielarz, who revealed that despite people thinking that UE3 is dated, he said that the Unreal devs “could have named the latest version something like Unreal Engine 7”.
“There’s this weird myth that Unreal is an engine that Epic created a few year’s ago and that’s it,” he told Xbox World 360 magazine.
“The truth is that the Unreal Engine 3 team is working on the engine all the time, and the amount of improvements added every quarter is just astounding. In my opinion, the changes are so drastic that Epic could have easily named the latest version something like Unreal Engine 7.”
“We have a lot of unique stuff that’s exclusive to Bulletstorm, but do you really want me to throw around phrases like ‘skeletal animation system’ or ‘team-focused AI behaviour’?” he added.
Bulletstorm is set to be released in February next year.