Crackdown 3, Forza Horizon Dev Acquires CCP Games Newcastle Studio

Sumo Digital feels this to be a "great opportunity" for bringing in an experienced team.

Crackdown 3 and Forza Horizon 2 developer Sumo Digital revealed recently that it has purchased CCP Games’ Newcastle Studio. The studio consists of 34 staff members and will stay at Newcastle but under Sumo Digital’s banner. Owen O’Brien will take on the role of studio director.

Speaking about the acquisition of CCP Games Newcastle, Sumo Digital marketing director Paul Porter said that this was a “great opportunity to bring an experienced, talented, and tight-knit team on board.” CCP Games CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson felt that Sumo Digital would be a “great home” for its Newcastle studio and couldn’t wait to see what new things come up.

Sumo Digital is hiring across four different studios in Sheffield, Pune and Nottingham with Newcastle joining the list with this latest acquisition. Meanwhile, CCP Games is busy with EVE: Valkyrie, a VR space sim which made the transition to a non-VR format and received significant overhauls to its systems. The developer noted that it would be focusing on less VR titles and more PC and mobile games for the foreseeable future.

CCP GamesCCP Games Newcastle StudioSumo Digital