Data Miners Find Even More Super Mario Odyssey Costumes

It's costumes like you never knew.

Nintendo Switch players have found a new reason to do the Odyssey with the recent update to the latest Super Mario platformer which introduced the brand new Luigi’s Balloon World mini game, but it seems the younger brother was far from the only thing added to the title. Some smart players have dived into Super Mario Odyssey to look at the game files and found a few more costumes, currently unavailable but ready to drop at any time.

According to the Data Miners, the costumes are in the game already but access is locked behind a server-side time lock, meaning that you won’t be getting these until Nintendo wants you to. There are ten additional full costumes with descriptions that have been accessed, but no peek at what they actually look like.

Four of the costumes are replicas of the outfits worn by the rabbit Broodals seen in the game. The other six are matching hat and outfits for a Baseball outfit, Conductor outfit, Racing outfit, Zombie outfit and some kind of outfit reminiscent of the Satellaview, an old Japanese only service for the Super Famicom that allowed for basic online gameplay. You can find all the costumes here.

Nintendonintendo switchSuper Mario Odyssey