David Jaffe: “Next generation of hardware will be the last consoles”

David Jaffe has some ominuous and probably obvious words to say about consoles. He believes that next generation of consoles will be the last and explains why he thinks that way in an interview with GamesIndustry.

Why I said it was obvious was because the market is changing, especially considering competition from mobile and tablet devices, who pack enough punch in a smaller form factor and are also the jack of all trades.

“So while I don’t think it’s going to do as well as the Wii, I don’t think any of the consoles are going to do as well as they used to. It’s a declining market, I think. That doesn’t speak ill to any of them as pieces of hardware – it just speaks about the fact that the industry has changed, the business models have changed and the world has gotten even smaller with smartphones and tablets and the internet, and stuff like Gaikai and streaming.”

“Look, consoles are going away. I think in 10 years – probably sooner, but 10 years is always the safe thing to say so you don’t sound like an idiot – but here’s what I’ll say: I’ll go on the record and say that the next generation of hardware will be the last consoles. And they should be,” he said.

“It doesn’t mean you won’t buy a piece of hardware from Sony, but you’ll probably buy a television that streams the stuff. And you’ll still have Sony, loud and proud and strong making these great, big, epic games like God of War and Uncharted, and they’ll be making great little games like Sound Shapes, but they’ll become more like movie studios for video games. I’ll be able to stream in the next Uncharted and Plants vs Zombies and you won’t even think about it. It’ll just be like I can watch a public access show on my TV or I can watch Avatar.”

“So this is the last generation of consoles coming up. I’m going to go out on a limb, because why the f**k not? I don’t care if I’m wrong, I’m not a business guy. I think next-gen consoles are going to do 40 percent of [the sales volume] of the current gen hardware.”

Do you think streaming is the future? Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

David Jaffenext-gen