Destructoid writer dropped for Twitter attack on Felicia Day

Destructoid have dropped non-paid contributor Ryan Perez after comments made on Twitter towards Felicia Day, following a huge internet backlash.

Ryan Perez, contributor to Destructoid, was fired over a tirade aimed at Felicia Day, creator of The Guild.

Perez started by Tweeting “Does Felicia Day matter at all? I mean does she actually contribute anything useful to this industry, besides retaining a geek persona?”.

He then focused his attack, sending tweets directly to Felicia Day ‘I keep seeing [Felicia Day] everywhere. Question: Do you matter at all? Do you even provide anything useful to gaming, besides “personality?”‘

‘Could you be considered nothing more than a glorified booth babe? You don’t seem to add anything creative to the medium,’ he continued.

Perez’s attack quickly gained a lot of momentum, even attracting actor Adam Baldwin’s attention, before Baldwin deleted some of his Tweets.

Once the furore reached boiling point, Destructoid stepped in and let Perez go. ‘Destructoid has ended its relationship with Ryan Perez, effective immediately. We again apologize to @feliciaday and all others concerned.’

adam baldwindestructoidFelicia Dayryan perez