Dev On Nintendo Switch: Processor Speeds And HD Capabilities Are Not The Only Things That Make Games Fun

Luckily for Nintendo.

Camelot, developers of the Mario Tennis, Mario Golf and Golden Sun games, feels that processing power and HD capabilities of a system are not what make games fun and that the Nintendo Switch has loads of other stuff working in its favour to make up for relatively less impressive specs.

“I liked that they focused on the controllers in their presentation,” said Camelot’s Hiroyuki Takahashi. “It’s common to hear about processor speeds and HD capabilities at these kinds of presentations, but as a developer, that stuff is so boring. I don’t think those are what make games fun.”

Shugo Takahashi, on the other hand, spoke about Switch’s upcoming launch title, ARMS, and how he was impressed with it. “ARMS feels very Nintendo,” he said. “I was talking [to my brother] about how it would be neat if we made a boxing kind of game on the Switch, but ARMS is way beyond what we had in mind (laughs).”

Well, that much is definitely true. While at first glance ARMS seemed a little bizarre, subsequent reception for the game has been undeniably good, and it surely feels very much like a typical Nintendo experience.

Stay tuned for more on the Switch.


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