Devil’s Third 80% Completed, Targeting 2014 Release Date

'Sorry for making you worry.'

Tomonobu Itagaki is the man who got us Dead or Alive, and, more importantly, Ninja Gaiden, which is widely regarded as the greatest action game ever created. Though he left Tecmo and Team Ninja rather acrimoniously, he did announce a new project, Devil’s Third, which he was working on with THQ.

… yeah. So when THQ went down under, he and his project disappeared from public view too. Obviously, someone and something with as much pedigree as him and his games incite a lot of interest, so it was only a matter of time before we managed to get an answer out of him about the status of Devil’s Third.

“Next year will be the year we’ll be releasing the console game, Devil’s Third,” said Itagaki, reports Siliconera. “At the moment, it is about 80% complete, and we can about see the end of it. However, there’s still a little more polishing that needs to be done. That’s also one of the reasons I’ve decided to work independently.”

“For you fans out there, I’d like to apologize for making you worry,” he continued. “We’ll be going all out next year, so please look forward to it.”

The game is due to launch on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

devil's third