Discord Offers To Help Nintendo With Their Voice Chat Solution Again

Nintendo, please take them up on this.

Discord is a fantastic chat and messaging solution for video games. Nintendo does not have even a remotely functional chat and messaging solution for their games on the Switch (and what they have is so bizarre and convoluted, it legitimately feels like a satire at times). Therefore, it makes sense that some would want Discord on the Switch.

This is actually something Discord themselves have offered a fair few times before. And now, again, while speaking to Glixel, Discord CEO Jason Citron mentioned that he would love for Discord to be on the Nintendo Switch.

“I have thought about the Switch. I have spent many hundreds of hours of my life in that little screen. If Nintendo wants us to power their voice chat, we’d be happy to talk,” he said.

Nintendo- listen to this man. Or some other person. Any person, other than yourself. I love you, your games, and your hardware, but you do not understand how online gaming needs to be tackled, and you need help with it. There are very few people better suited to the task than Discord is- take them up on this, please.

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