Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition) Launches September 23

Say bye bye to your money, parents.

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes, the sequel/expansion to Disney’s own take on the NFC toy enabled video games genre that launched last year, will be available in North America on September 23, the company announced at San Diego Comic Con today. The new game, as the title implies, is going to have Marvel’s super heroes take the center stage, with all new Marvel Play Sets available in stores, alongside the return of the popular Toy Box mode.

Disney also announced a pre-order promotion for the game today: starting today through September 22, as a bonus for pre-ordering the Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes Starter Pack, consumers will receive a Disney Infinity 2.0 Marvel figure (valued at $13.99) from top retailers nationwide.

As with Activision’s Skylanders series, all toys and figures bought for the Disney Infinity release last year will be compatible with this year’s games.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

Disney Infinity 2.0