E3 2010: Zone of Enders 3 Being “pushed to the back”

Even though Kojima  and his team have been working very hard on titles like the recently released MGS: Peace Walker, the upcoming MGS: Rising, and the recently announced MGS for the 3DS, he still comments on the long awaited Zone of Enders 3, saying that for now its being “pushed to the back”.

“Regarding ZOE3, there’s been various things, so it’s been sort of pushed to the back,”  said Kojima

As far as a reason for this delay, Kojima says that its due to an upcoming project codenamed “taboo”, which by the way may be a project that will make him leave the gaming industry.

We can only tell you one thing right now, it sure looks like Kojiam Productions have a lot of games coming up, expect more news regarding their projects in the near future, most likely at TGS.


E3 2010hideo kojimaNews