E3 2016 Registration Now Open

If you want your expo pass, you might want to get on it now.

It feels like we just had this year’s historic E3, but the next one is already upon us- the ESA updated their E3 website, as registration for E3 2016 for visitors is already open. This is only referring to Atendee registration– press registration presumably opens later.

If you want a pass, you should probably get it before April 28- in that case, it will cost you only $795. After that, however, the price rises to nearly a grand, with it setting you aback by $995. As of right now, we don’t have the floor plans for next year’s expo, and we don’t even know who all will be having E3 keynotes- although, at the very least, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, and Ubisoft would be safe guesses.

With Nintendo gearing up to launch the NX next year, and Sony and Microsoft in the thick of the PS4 and Xbox One generation, it promises to be an interesting E3 all around. I can’t wait.

e3 2016