EA Creative Chief Has Left The Company After 30 Years

A key EA figure from tis early days has left the company.

Longtime EA employee and Creative Chief Richard Hilleman, a veteran at the company for 30 years, has left the company, a statement the publisher released to Gamespot confirms. Hilleman was instrumental in solidifying EA as a top level publishers, crucial in designing the early Madden games, among other things.

“Rich Hilleman is a pioneer–a creative mind whose work influenced many games at EA and beyond. We are thankful to Rich for his contribution over more than 30 years with the company, and we look forward to seeing what he pursues next,” an EA representative told GameSpot.

No replacement for Hilleman has been announced yet, but it will be interesting to see who EA picks in his stead- especially since Hilleman has become a bit of a controversial figure in recent years,thanks to his penchant for being outspoken on a number of issues, such as the rocky launches EA games, such as Battlefield 4, have had.

Hopefully, he finds success in his next venture as well.