EA Registers Trademark For ‘Javelin,’ New IP Incoming?

What could it be?

EA_electronic arts_logoEA_electronic arts_logo

EA have filed an application to register a trademark for ‘Javelin’ at the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market, which is the European Union’s trademark registration entity. The application was filed under class 9, for game software, as well as Class 41, for online game software, implying that this new game, whatever it is, will have an online component too.

From the name, it sounds like a game made for the mobile market- then again, maybe Javelin might be a new entry or spin off in an existing franchise. Or it may turn out to be nothing at all- remember, a lot of trademarks are filed, and not all of them are always used.

Whatever it is that EA plans to do, we should be able to learn more about it soon- E3 is coming up, and while EA won’t be attending it in the same capacity that they used to, new game announcements about their upcoming lineup should be made around then.

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