EA Sports Shows Off Next Gen UFC Footage

Do you like what you see?

EA Sports will be bringing its UFC series to the next generation systems, and what you see above is the first footage from their attempted next generation efforts for the games. The footage that you see above, the video reminds us, is ‘directly captured from PS4 and Xbox One gameplay.’

It certainly looks pretty, and there appear to be some nice physics at work here, so I mean, it looks like it would be a neat fighting game that would take advantage of the next generation consoles for more than just the visuals, but also for the gameplay as well. But well, there have been three high profile sports game bombs on next generation consoles already- FIFA 14, NBA 2K14, and most of all, NBA Live 14. Will UFC just be the next one to join the list?

In any case, stay tuned as we keep you posted on the game and its development on X1 and PS4.

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