EA think ‘the future is about freemium’

Speaking in an interview with MCV, Nick Earl, EA’s interactive senior VP seems to think that freemium is the way forward, or free-to-play, is the way forward for the industry.

Earl stated: “The future is not about one-time payments, the future is about freemium. A decent number of people convert to paying and they may not pay a lot but most of them actually pay more than you’d think.”

However, whilst it may be the future Earl isn’t quite so sure consoles are ready quite yet: “I don’t know if freemium gets to console but I do know that humans like free stuff. I also know humans who will pay for something if they’ve tried it out and they like it.

“I’ve wondered if freemium expands beyond the tablet, Facebook and smartphones, and out into consoles? I don’t think it’s impossible for that to happen.”

Source: MCV

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