Engineers Turn Robot Arm into F1 Ferrari Simulator

Engineers are one hell of a breed. They can literally turn anything in to well…anything. The engineers at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Tübingen, Germany have turned a robotic arm in to a F1 Ferrari Simulator. Dubbed as the CyberMotion Simulator, the user can sit in to a small cabin and experience realistic racing experience. Paolo Robuffo Giordano who is the man behind this gizmo says, “”A motion simulation system is a fundamental tool to understand how humans experience the sensation of motion, By running suitable experiments, one can gain better insights into the cognitive processes of the human brain.”

“The main challenges were related to the adaption or extension of existing motion control algorithms, Our system offers a much larger motion envelope, allowing subjects to be freely displaced in six degrees of freedom in space and even be placed upside-down.”

Check the video below:
