Enslaved To Show Up At Eurogamer Expo

Eurogamer announced that Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will be hitting the Eurogamer Expo showfloor in October.

The Expo will also feature big titles like Infamous 2, Killzone 3,  Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, and more!

“We are thrilled to showcase ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West at the Eurogamer Expo. This is a truly different gaming experience to a lot of titles in the market,” said Lee Kirton, Namco UK PR boss.

“The line up from NAMCO BANDAI Partners is guaranteed to draw a crowd eager to get hands-on with these new games,” said Eurogamer MD Rupert Loman.

The Expo starts on October 1, and ends on the 3rd.

Enslaved: Oddysey to the west releases a week after that on October 8 in the UK for PS3 and 360.


EnslavedEurogamer ExpoNamcoNewsNinja Theory