Epic wants “dramatic leap” with next gen consoles

Epic’s Tim Sweeny has said that he wants to see a “dramatic leap” with PS4 and Xbox 720 over their predecessors, when it comes to graphics. It is obvious that most of these guys know what the specs are like, it seems they aren’t satisfied with it and are just hinting at what they want.

But that’s just a guess, really.

“You should only replace the hardware when you can make a dramatic leap in quality, not just two times or three times. It has to be huge and fundamentally new,” he told Venturebeat.

“The longevity of this console generation has been a mixed blessing. On the game side, it’s been really great for our business. With each new title, there is a bigger and bigger Xbox 360 installed base of users, so the games can sell more.

“On the other hand, it gets harder to generate the same excitement from the same hardware. That is when the new hardware is justified,” he added.

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Epic Games