Eurogamer Expo’s EA line-up is massive

EA has announced its massive Eurogamer Expo line-up.

If you are planning to go to this year’s Eurogamer Expo, then you will be delighted to know that EA is bringing a huge line-up of game to the show.

These games range from FIFA 13, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Sim City, Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3. Of course, that’s EA’s entire line-up for this fiscal year if you don’t count the social games and free-to-play MMOs on the PC.

“There really is something for everyone in this year’s EA line-up at the Eurogamer Expo,” said Eurogamer Events Director David Lilley.

“Whether you’re a football or horror fan, you’re into shooters or you fancy a bit of city-planning, you should be covered. We’re thrilled to have so much variety on the show floor.”

The show will be held at London’s Earls Court from 27th-30th September 2012 and more than 50,000 people are expected.

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EAEurogamer Expo