Fat Princess Patch 1.05

The hit game Fat Princess has been patched to version 1.05, and like most of its patches, it fixes some bugs and stuff here and there, but we don’t really care about that, the big thing is that again just like older patches, the game is getting 2 new maps………..for FREE!

The two new maps are actually snow/ice related called Frost Bite and Candy Mountain.

Titan Studios is one of the only companies that gives gamers free add-ons, which is something really awesome, but i bet that when a big DLC (perhaps a couple of maps and maybe new classes) is announced, it’ll be priced, but for now no one is complaining, free is every ones favorite price.

And if you wondred what fixes the patch will do, here they are:

  • Warrior: Fixed to disallow shield activation when carrying objects, as well as attenuating damage against lava and drowning.
  • Ice Mage: Changed level 1 area attack to slow enemies, not freeze them.
  • Soccer map: Disabled online score saving for this level.


fat princessNewsPatch 1.05