Final Fantasy 6 to hit EU Virtual Console

Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 as it was known during its original US launch) is set for release on the Wii’s virtual console this friday. The game needs no introduction and can be yours for the paltry sum of 900 wii points.

Final Fantasy is joined on the Wii Shop by Bingo Party Deluxe for 500 Wii Points.

On the DSiWare front, RTS Castle Conqueror will be available for 500 Nintendo DSi Points as well as 5 in 1 Mahjong for 200 Nintendo DSi Points.

Finally Arctic Escape (for 500 Nintendo DSi Points) sees you taking control of a group of penguins as they try to make their way back to Antarctica after being abducted by a cunning scientist.

We all know which is the real winner out of these games.

Thanks to ONM for the info.

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