Free Radical Design Has Been Officially Shut Down by Embracer Group

Reports had previously indicated that the TimeSplitters studio was facing closure prior to Christmas amidst turmoil at parent company Embracer Group.

Embracer Group’s brutal company-wide cutbacks are continuing, and Free Radical Design is the latest studio to suffer the chopping block. Reports indicated last month that Embracer was considering shuttering the TimeSplitters studio just two years after its re-establishment, while later in November, it emerged that Free Radical was facing closure before Christmas.

Now, it seems that has officially happened, as indicated by the official Free Radical Design website, where no information, media, or links are available, with the main (and only) page plainly stating, “404 company not found”.

Meanwhile, developers who were employed at the studio have also confirmed its closure on social media. Senior artist Mark Normington, senior tech artist Adam Kiraly, and programmer Martynas Antipenkovas were among several former employees to confirm on Twitter that Free Radical Design had been shut down.

The studio’s closure comes amidst an internal restructuring program initiated by Embracer Group earlier in the year. The program has entailed multiple project cancellations, studio closers, and layoffs, and as of last month, had resulted in around 900 people losing their jobs.

Saints Row developer Volition was shut down earlier this year, while the likes of Chorus developer FishlabsInsurgency: Sandstorm developer New World Interactive, and Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics have also been hit with layoffs. Reportedly, Embracer Group is also considering selling off Borderlands developer Gearbox Entertainment.

embracer groupfree radical designTimeSplitters