Frictional Games’ Website Reveals SOMA

New science fiction game from the developers of Amnesia inbound.

Frictional Games, the guys behind Amnesia: Dark Descent and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, two of the most terrifying games released this generation, have updated their website and revealed a new game; their newest project seems to be called SOMA, and it appears to be a science fiction action adventure title.

The trailer you see above has absolutely no context, so I have no clue what is going on, although I can say it leaves me feeling uneasy (which is, perhaps, fitting, given that this is by Frictional). It’s easy to see that they are talking about some sort of salvage mission, and an item that was recovered during that mission. More information on their website gives very little details, so right now we have nothing to go on.

No, we have absolutely nothing. It looks like this might do psychological horror in an outer space setting correct, but that’s really not enough to report any facts. We don’t know when it’s coming out, what systems it is targeting, or even when we learn more about it. Hang tight, I guess.
