Game of the Month: October 2009

Last time we did our second Game of the Month Feature, this time we are back to do our third feature and we will be looking back at some of the best games of October. October 2009 was really a big month since it had some of the biggest franchises from Naughty Dog and EA. There were a lot of great games across all platforms, but these are our picks.

Runner up Number 3

Ratchet and Clank Future: Crack in Time

A Crack in Time continued the trend of fantastic exclusives for the PS3 this year and is a must have for both fans and newcomers alike. The action is great, the game looks and sounds great, the ending is fantastic, and the overall experience is more than enough to satisfy gamers through multiple playthroughs.

Runner up Number 2


Borderlands is more fun than most other games you will play this year. It is a must by for those looking for a fun co-op game and for those who love to shoot stuff, get loot and level up. If you’re on the border about Borderlands just go for it! What the game has to offer is more than worth your money, which is more than most games can say.

Runner up Number 1


October would not be October without a EA Sport’s Fifa release and this has become a routine for some years now. In the recent years Fifa series has been revolutionized dramatically. All this started from the release of current generation consoles, and the Fifa franchise has continued to improve year on year and now with the 4th installation of Fifa on current consoles (excluding Euro 2008), we can safely say it is the ultimate football fan’s dream. Fifa 10 sets high standards to follow by the competitors from now on.


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Nathan Drake was back again for another tresure hunting experience but instead of his family member, Sir Franchis Drake, he was after an artifact of the Marco Polo expeditions; while always getting shot and always trying to impress the ladies (*cough* Chloe and Elena). This is a lot like the great Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune with a few tweaks here and there but with the exploration of the city of Nepal, shattering ice caves, and of course the beautiful jungles. It has great gameplay and story line, but that is not all. The graphics of this game are by far the best I have seen on consoles. You travel from the amazing snow covered locations, to lush jungles with light shining through the trees and the rays hitting your body, to a city that is falling apart, and all the locations that the adventurer Nathan Drake will take you. Also with the graphics of the game, there are great animations such as when Drake is shot and stumbling through the snow just trying to get to that ledge to jump, almost falling off. Uncharted was an easy choice for us, since it sets a new benchmark in video games.

Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

game of the monthGames