Game4u’s digital download service ‘downloads4u’ now offers Mac games

Good move.

Downloads4u, which is a digital download service of Game4u–specialist retailer of game hardware, software and digital services in India–has now expanded and offers Mac exclusive games at local pricing for Indian consumers.

There are a lot of AAA tiles like Borderlands 2, Roller Coaster Tycoom 3 and games from the Call of Duty series.

“Windows gamers can also currently download popular games from publishers such as Electronic Arts, SEGA and Square Enix in addition to a host of never seen before titles from independent publishers,” the retailer announced.

There are plans of expansion from Game4u by adding more publishers to its service.

You can check out their entire catalogue of digital games by heading over to their official site here. The mac tab is visible on the left selection menu as well.

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