GameInformer Australia Teases Exclusive Worldwide Premier on August Cover

GameInformer – and for that matter, all videogame magazines – aren’t adverse to stirring up hype. GameInformer AU has recently announced some details about it’s upcoming cover. And wouldn’t you know: It features a worldwide reveal.

From the magazine’s Facebook page:

So usually by now I would have uploaded the cover of the next issue. As it stands, the next issue’s cover must remain a secret. It is part of a worldwide reveal that cannot be spoken about or shown until 4pm on the 14th of August. I have fought hard and have been unable to get any leeway on this and, as a result, the next issue will be going out a day later than usual. The good news, hopefully, will be the reveal itself.

Bets are already being hedged, but then, it’s a reveal right? Money is on Respawn Entertainment finally coming out of the closest about their upcoming FPS. Stay tuned for more.

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