Gearbox Software president talks about holodecks

That's quite some forward thinking there.

Randy Pitchford thinks Holodecks will be the natural successor to motion controls and he has given reasons for why he believes this way in an interview with Joystiq.

He did admit that we were a long way away from that tech, and traditional control methods were still going to be relevant due to the feedback it offers.

“Motion control technology that we’re seeing today and we’ll see as it iterates is a step towards the Holodeck vision. It’s still rudimentary. It’s not great yet, but it’s going to get better. But where it needs to be to do the Holodeck, we’re a long ways from that,” he said

“Characters need to depend on feedback that’s more nuanced than something that would be better accomplished with a button press.”

In a way he isn’t wrong but the future does not seem that promising when it comes to different forms of input methods for games.

Thanks VG247.

gearbox softwareHolodecksRandy Pitchford